Tuesday 17 March 2009

The beginning....of the end?

Hello World.... nope that's programming. Howdy....that's being a cowboy. How does one enter the world of blogging? Well...
Hello. I don't think there are many 23 year old Computer Science graduates who haven't at least dabbled in blogging, but until today I was one of them, and so this is the beginning for me.
So my life at the moment. I live with my wonderful girlfriend...but we live with the rest of my family too, a bit of a drama most of the time but we cope. I work as a computer operator for a big clothes retailing company, which pretty much means I work 12 hour shifts 3-4 times a week monitoring all there systems, its over an hour commute in the car but at least it gives me time to think. They money is good too, so at least I can justify being a zombie by the end of my third shift.

As my name suggests I am a geek, I have my large DVD collection in alphabetical order, I download the latest TV shows and movies as quickly as I can, I read Empire magazine, I play video games, I like my computers and I have a collection of action figures stood on the top of my TV unit.

At some point I intend to write a screenplay, I really will get round to it at some point, really, just as soon as that thing is done, and I've tided up a bit, and oh is my music collection really in that state?! But seriously I really want to do this soon, I've decided it doesn't even matter if its a worst read than Lindsey Lohan's autobiography (I really hope that doesn't exist), I've just got to write one.

Anyway that is my introduction to myself and my blog. I'm sure that at some stage I will write something that somebody may want to read.

Until next time, you stay classy world.

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