Monday 1 June 2009

Because you left

Well it's been a while since I've blogged and I look forward to trying to get back in the habit. To kick start it off again I'm going to be using the title for a 'Lost' episode for each new entry, hopefully being as relevant as possible.
In the grand canyon size gap since my last post my life has changed somewhat. I've moved out of the family home and into a house with my girlfriend that we are now renting together. This of course has brought all new kinds of joy as well as the karmic balance of new trials and tribulations.
The house is still approximately 60 miles from work so nothing gained there, but I think the decision to stay in Chesterfield for now was a good one as I still feel my family need me occasionally, and I know from time to time I'm going to need them too.
Money of course has been an issue whilst moving in, stuff to be bought, new bills to become acclimatised to but I think we'll get on our feet, just for now I'm trying to be as tight as a...well...
The house is great, a nice sized living room with a great couch for ormeging (a word a friend coined to explain a nicely lazy state), a nice kitchen, a big dining table, a fancy bathroom and two bedrooms, I've never felt more at home to be honest.
Work is still going well, I'm getting a lot of praise from on high (for some reason), and as happy as I am I can't see me doing it forever. I do like the job and most of the people I work with but sometimes I regret going into computing. I'm at the stage now where I feel like I'm a little pot committed and because I'm used to the money I haven't got any wiggle room to look for something different.
But I've resolved just to take life as it comes for now, I'm still young, still eager and still have some creativity and fire in me yet.
Watch this space.

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